Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back in the saddle

I am feeling way better. The past couple days I have woke up with very little pain. I picked up Abigail yesterday for the first time since this happened and she gave me the biggest smile ever.

She has been very stand offish with me because I couldnt pick her up and she also saw me in pain and i think it scared her. Its funny how intuitive kids can be. She has been very close to her dad all week. He has had to do everything. I let him sleep in today and I got up with the girls. I need to get back into ou little routine.

I think its going to be a nice day today and the girls are going to want to swim. i cant wait to get some sun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back Attack

I hurt my back Monday.
Iwas bending over the bathtub helping my daughter when I got the most god awful pain I have ever had in my life. It took me to my knees made me scream and brought tears to my eyes.
I ended up going to a walk in clinic and the doctor gave me some pain meds and to me to take it easy and to not lift anything for a week.
I was fully expecting to wake up tuesday morning and feel better.Instead I woke up at 3am and couldnt get up because it hurt too bad. My husband gave me my pain meds and i managed to sit up enough to take it. I then let it kick in before I could get up.
I went to my real docter today and she couldnt beleive that I wasnt given a shot or muscel relaxers at the clinic. So she gave me a shot of somthing and i am feeling a whole lot better right now. She said if I am not doing any better by monday then she wants me to get x rays.
I am so luck that my husband was able to take a few days off of work. he had a short week this week. My sister in law and my mom are taking turns bringing dinner for us. Its times like these that I need to remember how lucky I am to have such a caring and supportive family and I also have the best husband in the world!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

We got the pool up. It fits great in our back yard and the kids have been having a blast. I have enjoyed it too. Olivia is a fish and think she would live in it if I let her. Abigail seems to really like the water too. We descovered yesterday that she can touch. Her head just barely pokes out of the water. She would walk around like a drunken sailor because it was hard for her to keep her balance.
I have almost finished the one of my alpaca footies. I am going to try to graft the toe instead of just weaving the yarn through.
We are going to my brothers today for a BBQ. He just got back from fighting wildfires in northeast Washington. He expects to be called out again soon.
I am looking forward to spending the day with my family eating and laughing.
I am very grateful to all the sevice people past and present who have allowed me to have this freedom. I will keep them in my thoughts.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ode to shitty weather

Its raining!

My husband and I are going to set up a pool in our backyard today.

We bought a 10by30 ft pool and we were looking forward to gettin it set up and ready for the weekend. Olivia is having her friend stay the night on saturday. Oh well we can still set it up and its probally better to set it up when its cooler outside . Our backyard has no shade.

I am so excited. Iain and I decide that we are going to take an overnight trip to Seattle for our 3year anniversary.We are going to stay the night in a nice hotel that is close to Pikes Place Market. I am going to start saving so I can drop by some of the cool yarn stores. I love Seattle !!!!

I am at the foot decrease on my footie sock. I am hoping to finish this weekend so I can give them to my mom. They are going to be so pretty. I thought about keeping them myself but I have already told my mom about them.My mistake. I am just going ro have to make myself some.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

D Day Thursday

I have been going to weightwatchers for about a month and a half. Thursdays are my weigh in day. I have been doing good I have almost lost 10lbs. Hopfully today i have gone over the 10 lb mark.
Knitting wise I have been working on my alpaca footies for my mom. I love the color they are hand dyed (not by me) and its my first time knitting with hand dyed. I have also casted on for my daughters Log Cabin blanket. I love the yarn its a cootten blend from Knit Picks called shine.
Its so light and airy.Well i got kids to ready for the day better go.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ready, Set,Blog

since i like to read other peoples blogs I figured I need to join the fun.