Monday, June 30, 2008

Awesome Possum

I finished my critter for the critter swap for the Stitch It Podcast Group on Ravelry.

It has turned out really cute I am currently making another because Olivia loves it.

I found the pattern on Ravelry and its called Possum Love.

I have decided to make more critters. They are fast I can finish one in a few days to a week.

It will help me feel like I can actually finish knitting projects. I am such a slow knitter and I have limited knitting time so my projects get drug on for too long and then i get bored of them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sandboxes and Critter Swaps

I got my swap partner for my critter swap from the critter swap that I am doing on ravelry.
I am making a cute little critter that can hang upside down if he wants. I cant wait to finish it.Then I can post a pic. I actually think I will post a pic of it partially done and see if anyone can guesse what it is.
My neices and nephew are visiting for the summer. Two of them stayed at my house last night. The little one stayed with my mom. Tonight we will have to swap them around somhow so we can try to keep peace between them and my kids.
We got my parents moved last weekend. Its going to be good to have them in town and close. the have been in the same place for thirty years and now they have moved to an apartment. I know that they are feeling very missplaced. I need to put a little house warming package together for them. I might knit a dish scrubbie and maybe buy some dish towels and other little things for them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cabled Hobo Bag

I have started my first knit along on ravelry Bag a Month Group.
We are doing the Cabled Hobo Bag a free pattern by Amanda Reed Its a great pattern for beginners that are wanting to get started with cables. I Had to rip it several times and almost said screw it i hate cables and I will never touch them again. Then I told myself that i just need to figure it out and read the pattern carefully.So I did and its coming along very well. this bag is lined so this will be my first time lining a bag. i do not sew. So I am going to have to learn how to use the sewing machine that my sister in law has lent to me. Let me tell you that thing scares the crap out of me. So i just need to face the fear, get it out of its box, plug it in, and hope I don't sew my fingers together.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer time blues

The weather has been crazy. It rained almost all day yesterday. A portion of our street flooded beacause we had this huge downpour that lasted for almost a half an hour. I should have got a picture I didnt even think about it. I live in a part of washington state called the Columbia Basin and it is actually desert. So we dont get much rain and the temp. is usually blazing by this time of the year. So far the weather has been very mild.

I am going to go to my yarn store today and get some white cascade 220. I have been experimenting with acid dyes and I love the results. I am going to dye yarn for some socks and see how it turns out. I need to find out if I can get a sock yarn that is white. . I am hand painting then putting it in a plastic container with a lid on. I then put it in the sun for a few hours and voila its all dyed and pretty. This is a pic of my first handpainted that I did on Monday.