Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Its a Boy

My sister had her baby boy! Aiden Michael. He weighed 8lb 10oz and was I forget how long he was. But he is perfect.
My sister had a scheduled C Section. We had to be at the hospital at 5 30 am so she could be ready to go into surgery at 7 30. I have been with my sister two other times with her c sections and even though they are scheduled they never seem to run on time.(all the unscheduled deliveries get in the way) But they actually had us in surgery at 7 30. They then gave my sister a spinal to numb her.She then was placed on the table and I was allowed to sit next to her. They kept testing her to see if she was numb and she wasn't. She was numb in some places but not on her left side. so the anaesthesiologist suggest that the lower the table do that it tilts to help the medicine work its way to that side. That seemed to work and we also waited 20 minutes because he said sometimes it could take that long to take full effect. So they tested some more and decided to go ahead and make the incision. Every thing seemed to be going well until the doctor started to reach for the baby. And my sister jumps and say she can feel it. So the doctor is trying to give her a local anestetctic which does not work. So they decided that they will have to put her under. They then had to ask me to leave. It was so scary. Everything turned out well. She is fine and so is the baby. It just wasn't that wonderful baby delivery that we anticipated.

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