Monday, December 8, 2008

Long Time Coming

Yeah! I am back! I really enjoy blogging and have decided that since the New Year is approaching very fast I want to keep my blog updated.

I am getting a sewing machine for Christmas and am very excited to start on this new craft.
I have never had a sewing machine and maybe can count the number of times on one hand that I have used one. I want to start by making very basic stuff till I get used to my machine and how it works. One of the first things I would like to make is an organizer for hats and gloves to hang on my coat rack. It would serve great to keep those things together and then it can be used in the summer for lotions and goggles.

Here is a quick update on things that have happened and accomplished in the past few months.
Also what I have learned from them.
  1. Finished Olivias Log Cabin blanket. Still need to finish weaving in ends. I learned to never do such a multicolor blanket without weaving ends as I go. I have a gazzillion ends and it sucks.
  2. I figured out how to knit the Ballband dishcloth and I love the pattern.
  3. I learned when you feel down and out on a regular basis for no reason that it is ok to ask for help. I did and was diagnosed with depression and put on some medication. I feel great and I love it!!!!!
  4. I love to read. I read every night before I go to bed. I like forensic stuff.
  5. A simple medical procedure isn't always simple. I had a tubal ligation go bad. I am ok now but man that really sucked
  6. I learned how important my family is. They do drive me crazy sometimes but I am already crazy so it doesn't matter.

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